Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Episode 47

me: Place where I work scheduling how can I help you?

pt: Hi I need a vascular ultrasound. When is the next available.

me: It looks like the next available for the ultrasound you need is September 10th. Is that an okay day for you?

pt: *laughs hysterically like I just said the funniest thing in the entire world* 

me: So is that a no?

pt: Do you have anything on September 9th?

me: No, I said that the next available was September 10th. So does that day not work for you? I can look for a different day.

pt: I'm hoping for a pie in the sky. How about September 3rd?

me: I'm not sure you're listening to me. I said that the next available was September 10th. That means that there is nothing available between today and September 10th. Which means no, we do not have anything on September 3rd.

pt: That's not what that means. Someone may have cancelled. You might not even be looking at the schedule.

me: I can assure you, I'm looking at the schedule. There is nothing until September 10th. Do you want that appointment?

pt: I guess so! No pie for me today!

me: I guess not!

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