Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Episode 3

 On today's episode: a person does not understand we are underpaid schedulers and a lady loses her mind.

patient: Hi, I need to schedule a test.

me: What test do you need?

pt: A mammogram of my foot.

me: *pause* I'm sorry, a mammogram of what?

pt: Of my foot. I need a mammogram of my foot. Is it like the breast? Will they be squeezing my foot?

me: Mammograms are only done on the breast. Are you sure that your order says mammogram?

pt: Yes! At least I thought it was. Let me read it. U-S foot.

me: US is ultrasound, not mammogram.

pt: And that's why you get paid the big bucks to schedule my tests.

me: Big bucks, yep. Totally. 

patient: Hi! I need a psychiatrist, and don't transfer me like the last girl. I'm about to jump off a bridge.

me: Well if you are for sure feeling like jumping off a bridge, then you should be coming to the ER right away.

pt: I'm not actually going to jump off a bridge, I just needed to get your attention so you didn't transfer me. I'm tired of waiting on hold and being sent to a different department.

me: Jumping off a bridge is not something to joke about. And besides, I cannot schedule a psychiatrist appointment. You have to call their office.

pt: Well that's too much work. I'd rather jump off a bridge!

me: Again, that is not something to joke about. If you truly feel that way you need to be coming to the ER. Otherwise, you have to call the office.

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