Thursday, August 5, 2021

Episode 33

me: Alright, and when you go to your MyChart the address and test prep instructions will be listen under the upcoming appointment information.

pt: What, you're not going to just tell me?

me: Well it's much easier for patients to look for themselves, rather than hear over the phone. That way there are no mistakes or mishearing things over the phone.

pt: Or you're just lazy.


pt: Um...yes. Just give me the damn address. I ain't looking at no MyChart just so you don't have to do your job.

me: Okay I don't really understand why you're speaking to me like that. I am trying to make things easier for you. But if you want the address over the phone instead, it's *starts giving the address but gets cut off*

pt: Now was that so hard?

me: You didn't even hear the whole address.

pt: I'll just look on MyChart

me: Are you kidding me right now? 

pt: I love making people's days difficult. I hope you enjoyed that and had a good laugh!


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