Monday, July 19, 2021

Episode 14

me: Thank you for calling *place where I work* scheduling how can I help you?

pt: Hi, can you check if my husband has blood work in the system? It was put in by the doctor through *name of other hospital* and they said it should be in your system.

me: Well if it was put in by a different hospital, then it won't be in our system.

pt: They told me to call *name of other hospital* to schedule. 

me: Then you should call them, because we don't have any orders here.

pt: I'm confused. Why did they tell me to call *name of other hospital*?

me: Because that's where his information is. You aren't calling that hospital, you are calling *place where I work* instead. 

pt: So I need to call them?

me: That's what I said, yes. 

pt: Well what is their number?

me: Considering they are a different hospital, I am not sure. You'll have to look it up.

pt: Why can't you just tell me? You work there.

me: You are calling *place where I work* not *name of other hospital*. You want *name of other hospital* and I do not have their contact number. You have to look it up on your own.

pt: So you can't google it for me? Or call around and see what the number is?

me: I'm sorry, there are other calls I have to take, I cannot call around to get that number for you. You'll have to look it up on your own. There isn't much I can to do to help.

pt: Ugh. Fine. *click


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