Monday, August 16, 2021

Episode 42

me: Place where I work scheduling how can I help you?

pt: I need to schedule a mamm-o-gam.

me: Okay what's your phone number?

pt: 123-456-7890

me: That number isn't pulling up any patients. Have you been to place where I work before?

pt: Well does it matter? Am I not allowed to make an appointment if I'm not a patient?

me: No, that's just how we pull up patients. Is there another number that might be on your account?

pt: Jeez, can't I just give you my name? That's just dumb.

me: Okay then. What's your name?

pt: Karen Smith. Now can I schedule my mamm-o-gam. 

me: Is it screening or diagnostic mammogram.

pt: I don't know, it doesn't say.

me: Will you please read the order?

pt: "screening mammogram." There. Is that what you wanted?

me: Thank you. 

*sets up appointment*

me: Alright and what insurance do you have?

pt: It's not on my order the doctor gave me.

me: Um...can you please read from your ID card?

pt: Ugh, seriously? I have to go get it? Now you have to wait for me. And I will take my sweet time.


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