Thursday, August 26, 2021

Episode 50

me: Scheduling, how can I help you?

pt: I need you to schedule my MRI.

me: What's your name?

pt: You'll find me in the system. I've been there a billion times.

me: what is your name?

pt: Karen.

me: Okay Karen, I have your account pulled up. We don't have any orders here for you. Do you have a copy?

pt: My doctor was supposed to fax it. You're telling me you don't have it?

me: Yes, that's what I said. So do you have a copy?

pt: No. I don't. 

me: Okay, well we do need that order before we can schedule. You will have to give your doctor's office a call and have them fax us the order, then call us back to schedule.

pt: I'm having a difficult time with my doctor. As a woman with a foreign doctor, it's a struggle. I'm sure you understand.

me: Actually, I'm not quite sure what you mean. 

pt: He won't put the order in because he doesn't like me!

me: I'm sure that's not true. Offices cannot do that. 

pt: Yes! I am a white woman so my foreign doctor is prejudice against me. He refuses to send over my order because he doesn't like that I'm a white woman.


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