Monday, August 30, 2021

Episode 52

 *schedules stress test appointment, begins registration*

me: And would you like anyone listed in your chart for emergency contact?

pt: Well am I going to die?

me: It's just a requirement for us to ask. You don't have to put anyone if you don't want to.

pt: Well the last girl didn't ask me that question. So why are you?

me: Like I said, it's not a requirement. I'll just put "refused" and you can update it later if you choose to.

pt: Should I be stressed out? Should I begin worrying? Am I going to die? Do people die during stress tests? You're worrying me!

me: Literally all medical offices, urgent cares, etc. ask for emergency contact. We're just going to leave it blank so we can move on. So, do you still live at 123 Circle Street?

pt: As of 2 seconds ago!

me: I'm sorry?

pt: Jeez, first you scare me by telling me I'm going to die, now you are wasting my time. Can we be done here? 


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