Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Episode 64

 pt: Hi, I need to schedule a CT scan.

me: Okay and your name and dob?

pt: Patrick, dob 12/20/40. Send me a card!

me: Card?

pt: For my birthday!

me: It's a little too soon for that, don't you think? It's not even December yet.

pt: Oh you think you're funny, huh. 

me: I mean, I know I'm funny. But what kind of CT scan do you need?

pt: CT of my abdomen. And I want mornings.

me: How about 8am on November 8. And it'd be at the new facility.

pt: That's fine with me. But new facility? They moved?

me: Yep! CTs are done now at the new facility. Would you like the address?

pt: Well why didn't they ask me about that first?

me: Ask you to move the ct scans?

pt: Yeah! Not even a courtesy call. What the heck is that about?

me: I mean, did you check your email? Maybe your personalized opinion form ended up in the spam folder.

pt: You really are a sassy one, huh. I like you. Thank you for that. I hope you have a fantastic day today! 

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