Thursday, December 2, 2021

Episode 69

 me: Central Scheduling, how can I help you?

pt: Where do I go?

me: I'm sorry?

pt: Where the hell do I go?

me: Okay well where are you trying to go?

pt: I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

me: Um...okay. Are you coming in for a test or a doctor's appointment.

pt: I don't know. It's not for me.

me: Well who is it for? I'll look it up and see if I can help.

pt: Fred. It's for Fred. 

me: Last name?

pt: Fred where are you going? Come back it's not that way.

me: So what's the last name.

pt: It's for Fred Smith. Fred do you have a doctors appointment or a test? 

me: What's the date of birth?

pt: Fred!! Do you have a test or doctors appointment? He don't know either. We're on the floor just don't know what he needs today. We just know the appointment was 9 and it's 915 so we're late! 

me: I still need the date of birth so I can try and help you.

pt: Fred come back here will ya? We ain't got time to be dilly dallying. Alright ma'am we're just going to keep walking. We'll find it. Bye now!


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