Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Episode 83

This is a story about a callback. 

pt: Hello?

me: Hi, this is Central Scheduling at the hospital just returning a phone call. 

pt: Hello Central scheduling. 

me: Hello, how can I help you?

pt: Well, you called me?

me: Yep, you requested a call back so...I'm calling back! 

pt: Oh.

me: Yep. 

pt: Alright then.

me: So....why did you want a call back?

pt: Not sure.

me: Did you need to schedule any appointments for any tests?

pt: I really don't know.

me: Hmm... okay well I'm not sure how else I can help then- but if you do remember what you needed, feel free to give us a call back and we will definitely help.

pt: Thank you so much, have a great day!


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