Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Episode 90

me: Central scheduling, how can I help you?

pt: I need to schedule an MRI. 

me: And what is your name?

pt: Tara.

me: And last name?

pt: Oh, I'm sorry it's Tara Stewart.

me: And your date of birth?

pt: That would be helpful wouldn't it. It's 9/9/80.

me: Any particular day or time that you're looking for?

pt: I'll just take the next available. I can be free whenever.

me: Next available is next Thursday at 8am. Is that something that might work?

pt: Oh shoot. I'm out of town that whole weekend. What about the next one?

me: What about Monday the following week. Are you going to be back in town that day?

pt: I am, what times are available.

me: 8am, 2pm, or 4pm.

pt: Crap. Don't be mad, but do you have something that week on Friday?

me: They have 9am or 12pm.

pt: Please don't hate me... I'll actually take the 8am on the Monday if that's okay.

me: *laughs* Of course that's okay. So, Monday at 8am. 

pt: Um... actually... I am so sorry I swear this is the last change. I have to take the Friday at 12pm. 

me: *still laughing* Not a problem at all. You're on for Friday at 12pm. 

pt: I am so sorry I swear I'm not normally this much of a mess. 

me: It's not a big deal at all, don't even worry about it.

pt: Thank you so much. God bless you and your tolerance for dummies like me! I hope you have the best day!


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